Page 177 - Sicredi
P. 177

A vision for the future
Visão de futuro
era fazer com que o Sicredi fosse visto como um conglomerado finan- ceiro. Com essa configuração, os números do Sistema passam a ser corporativos, de fato. Com isso, abrimos janelas de oportunidades, que nos permitem atacar as questões que detectamos na origem des- se processo”, destaca Marchet.
Uma das maiores demonstrações de sustentabilidade do novo modelo de governança do Sicredi foi a maneira como o Siste- ma atravessou, sem abalos, a crise que afetou, indistintamente, a
 With this configuration, the System’s numbers rose to the corporate level. That created opportunities that allowed us to address the issues that we had detected at the beginning of this process,” Marchet points out.
One of the best examples of the sustainability of Sicredi’s new model of governance was how the System survived, unscathed, the crisis of 2008 that indiscriminately affected the world economy. While many of the country’s financial institutions had to suspend plans
ISeS of ReStRUCtURIng model
• Unified management through the formation of a Board of Directors connected to Sicredi Participações S.A.;
• Formal and direct participation in corporate management by the 128 credit unions affiliated with the System;
• Corporate restructuring aligned with general rules of corporate governance and risk management;
• Governance that conforms to best practices in financial cooperative conglomerates;
• Consolidation of the System’s balance sheet to allow rating companies, financial institutions, regulatory agents and the company itself to value and check Sicredi’s financial structure.

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