Page 179 - Sicredi
P. 179

A estabilidade do Sistema foi testada justamente no momen- to em que o Sicredi recebia uma grande demanda de crédito por parte dos associados ligados ao agronegócio. “O período em que a crise se manifestou no Brasil era o mais crítico para o Sicredi, pois havíamos disponibilizado um grande volume de recursos para as cooperativas financiarem o plantio da maior safra agrícola do País.
A vision for the future
Visão de futuro
 Safras agrícolas geram demandas de crédito no Sicredi
 The System’s stability was put to the test when Sicredi received a large request for credit from members connected to agriculture. “The period when the crisis affected Brazil was the most critical time for Sicredi because we had made a huge amount of funds available to the credit unions to finance the planting
of the biggest agricultural crop in the country. To do this, we sought financing from other institutions, and we continued receiving funds even when interbank lines of credit were tightened. Of course, we provided other guarantees, but that corporate arrangement, that institutional arrangement, provided
Ita Kirsch

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