Page 139 - Sicredi
P. 139

po, a Central Sicredi RS (atual Central Sicredi Sul), que até então prestava serviços de retaguarda administrativa e fornecia tecnolo- gias operacionais para as cooperativas dos outros Estados, também passou por uma reestruturação. As atividades ligadas à prestação de serviços corporativos foram transferidas para a Confederação Sicredi, enquanto a Central Sicredi RS ficou responsável pelo tra- balho de fomento, fiscalização, auditoria e representação político- institucional das cooperativas filiadas. O modelo foi adotado pelas cinco Centrais que pertencem ao Sistema. Com essas mudanças, o Bansicredi focou, de forma mais específica, nos negócios das coope- rativas enquanto instituições financeiras, alcançando a experiência e a reconhecida qualificação para gerir, em maior escala, os recursos das Centrais e filiadas.
Solidez reconhecida
A consolidação do Sicredi como uma instituição financeira sólida e confiável se deve a diferentes aspectos. Entre eles, destaca- se a estrutura financeira com qualificação técnica e rígido controle
 the credit unions in other states, was also restructured. Corporate activities were transferred to the Sicredi Confederation, while the Sicredi RS Regional Center became responsible for the development, supervision, auditing and political and institutional representation
of its affiliated credit unions. This model was adopted by the System’s five Regional Centers. With these changes, Bansicredi focused more on the business of credit unions
as financial institutions, thereby becoming experienced and qualified to manage, on a large scale, the funds of the Regional Centers and their affiliates.
Solidness recognized
The consolidation of Sicred into
a solid and reliable financial institution is attributable to various factors. Among them, its financial structure with technical expertise and strong risk management stand out. Standardized management and operational procedures also contributed to growth, making
it possible to achieve the scale necessary to be competitive in the marketplace. Sicredi was inspired by certain ideas taken from the organizational models used in countries such as France, Holland and Canada, based on a single undertaking composed of various

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