Page 74 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
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autonomy and the opportunity for new sustainable business. Improved processes facili- tate and simplify the work routine. Spending less time on bureaucratic processes, we can invest more time in relationships with members and in generating business. Accessing our systems remotely via tablets provides our staff with mobility, able to dynamically provide the same services and implement the same processes wherever they are, whe- ther visiting a member or even at events. Furthermore, our system provides access to relevant information, fundamental to consultative selling in accordance with the needs of each member profile.
Still in 2019, Sicredi began using another important online channel, WhatsApp Enterprise, allowing branches to expedite services. This fosters proximity and allows us to guarantee a better experience for members through the solutions and products we provide.
Multidisciplinary teams made our digital transformation viable.
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