Page 62 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 62

 Sicredi Administrative Center – CAS.
were the first in Brazil, and fourth in Latin America, to receive the highest recognition granted to buildings that practice sustainable management. The adopted model was disseminated by the credit unions and centrals throughout the country, ensuring the continuity of actions already underway and the implementation of fresh efforts.
The continued quest to enhance the quality of information on eco-efficiency to improve Sicredi’s performance was an important element in preparing the Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory, published in 2019, placing us in the fight against global war- ming. The process to develop the inventory involved data collection from five centrals, the three CAS buildings and almost all of the affiliated credit unions. We also increa- sed the cover of centralized data with information from all credit unions, in line with | 60

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