Page 60 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
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 A União Faz a Vida (Unity Creates Life) Program
Our leading social responsibility program – Unity Creates Life – is geared towards building and developing attitudes and values of cooperation and active citizenship among children and adolescents. It was created in Rio Grande do Sul, in 1995. Branches then opened in the following states: Mato Grosso, 2003; Paraná, 2006; São Paulo, 2012; Santa Catarina, 2013; Goiás, 2014; Mato Grosso do Sul, 2018; Pará and Acre, 2019. Through its own educational program, it places value on knowledge learned inside and outside of the classroom. Children and adolescents take the lead in the learning process and develop projects that help build knowledge on a global level, developing values like fairness, entrepreneurism, solidarity, dialog and a respect for diversity.
In 2019, Unity Creates Life was responsible for introducing values of active citizenship and cooperation to more than 109,000 children and adolescents.
Internally, we strive to attract female professionals for all spheres of the busi- ness, assuming the challenge of increa- sing their presence, especially within top leadership and career planning, geared towards equality.
The Woman Committee is aimed at gender equality at all levels of credit union management, empowering women through education to lead, enterprise and promote the sustainable development of our business model in their communities. Since 2017, the Sicredi Woman Committee Summit has promoted annual gatherings to build capacity and share experiences, always focused on encouraging women to enterprise and work towards their profes- sional and economic development.
The Youth Committee, in turn, has the job of approximating youths to the insti- tution, with actions that promote personal and professional development through education and entrepreneurial incentives, fostering engagement with the coope- rative movement and triggering interest in participating in a cooperative financial organization, becoming promoters of coo- perativism and leaders in social impact in their home regions.
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