Page 59 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 59

Youths and women involved in cooperativism
Youths and women are considered strategic profiles in guaranteeing lasting bu- siness, especially when considering sustainable governance agendas in our work. As such, we have invested in educational activities and the creation of specific non-financial and financial solutions, striving to engage these publics in the ideas and values of coo- perativism. We strive to present as a cooperative financial institution to increase our relevance among younger generations and women, who are increasingly active in all our economic activities.
With this outlook, the Sicredi Foundation recently incorporated these committees and developed effective actions, especially in the Crescer (Grow) program, and through the Pertencer (Belong) program, aimed at spreading the concepts of cooperativism through innovative activities aimed at youths and women.
Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation |
 Sicredi representatives at the Global Women’s Leadership Network, in 2019.
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