Page 40 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 40

 The Sicredi Library, reinaugurated in 2014, at the CAS.
In a second phase, in 2014, the implementation of a Talents Management Program resulted in policies and actions involving the entire management process, from recruitment and training to succession, for all employees. The adoption of the Talents Management policy guarantees appreciation and promotion of internal talents, along with capacity building for successors of all positions, concentrating external hiring on junior positions.
Still in 2014, an important decision was passed with regards to succession regulations – the creation of the Succession Management Policy – which aligned Sicredi’s governance standard with the best market practices. Contrary to the tra- ditional concept of succession, restricted to upper management, we created me- chanisms for the development of successors to all available positions, making us increasingly less dependent on external market recruitment.
In 2016, the Systemic Remuneration Model Project was another milestone in the process to implement policies for the appreciation and development of pro- fessionals. The model refined the structural remuneration process, including fixed
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