Page 38 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
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entities. Most importantly, the microcredit modality guarantees access to micro and smallholding farmers, as well as micro, small and medium low capital cost companies. This helps leverage their competitiveness, contributing to both economic and community development.
For rural credit, one of the institution’s pillars of sustainable growth, as from 2013, Sicredi established itself among the leading financial institutions in resource volumes and the number of operations granted in this modality. A series of lines were provided, including costing, investments and commercialization, ranging from smallholding farmers to major companies.
With regards to credit linked to programs and special lines from the government, Sicredi holds a place of prominence as a transfer agent for the BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank), with significant participation in lines of credit part of PRONAMP (National Program to Support Medium-Sized Farmers) and PRONAF (National Program for Strengthening Family Farming). PRONAF especially helps towards this end, guaranteeing Sicredi the opportunity to offer rates and terms compatible with each member’s needs, ensuring improvements in the productive process and the profitability of business. This helps farmers remain in the countryside and to sustainably develop based on family farming, leveraging the creation of a local virtuous cycle.
Among the services provided during the period, consortium operations also saw a rise. In 2013, the institution began operating in expressive segments like real estate and heavy vehicles, assisting members with greater credit requirements and more affordable installments. Since 2014, we have been placed among the ten largest companies in the segment for the number of active shares.
Similarly, Sicredi also increased its participation in the insurance market, with a highlight being the rural insurance and home insurance portfolios. Based on continuous efforts to spread the concept, we ensure the dissemination of this modality specifically within the smaller municipalities where we operate, contributing to the financial inclusion of many members.
In this sense, Sicredi formed partnerships with important companies in the sector, | 36

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