Page 93 - Sicredi
P. 93

Apesar de bem fun- damentadas, as mudanças enfrentaram restrições, sob o argumento de que as coope- rativas perderiam sua iden- tidade pelo elevado grau de intervenção da Central nas singulares3. Ao longo do tem- po, o ambiente democrático das assembleias permitiu que
as modificações fossem ajustadas, de acordo com as peculiaridades do Sistema. À medida que implantavam os novos padrões opera- cionais, as cooperativas constatavam, na prática, os benefícios eco- nômicos obtidos com o ganho de escala. A integração vertical, com todas as singulares interligadas pela Central, e a integração hori- zontal, com a padronização de serviços, tomavam forma, com resul- tados visíveis para dirigentes e associados.
Os associados tiveram participação decisiva nas mudança
  standards of governance would be implemented, establishing criteria and administrative procedures for credit unions in Rio Grande do Sul. Sicredi researched the world’s main cooperative credit systems to guide it in its standardization process. The model it adopted, by unanimous approval in 1992, was inspired by experiences in France, Germany and Holland. From them it borrowed the concepts of cooperative credit as a distinguishing feature in the marketplace, control, self-regulation and the Cooperative Bank.
Although the need for these changes was well-founded, the changes were met with resistance. The argument was that the credit
unions would lose their identity from the Regional Center’s increased interference with the individual credit unions.3 As time went
on, the democratic atmosphere
at the meetings allowed some modifications to the changes to conform to the System’s unique features. As new standardized operations were put into practice, the credit unions noticed the economic benefits of operating on a large scale. Both vertical integration, with all credit unions interconnected through the Regional Center,
and horizontal integration, with standardized services, took shape, with visible results for the directors and members.
Arquivo Sicredi

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