Page 115 - Sicredi
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o ano de 1996, as cooperativas do Rio Grande do Sul e do Paraná rea- lizaram diversas assembleias, nas quais foram discutidas e aprovadas as regras de participação no capital do Banco Cooperativo. “Faziam-se assembleias regionais para que os conselheiros fiscais e diretores se convencessem e convences-
sem os associados. Foi um trabalho bastante sacrifican- te, mas valeu a pena”, lembra Seno Lunkes, que participou das assembleias no Paraná como associado da Sicredi Cataratas do lguaçu PR. Em 1997, Seno Lunkes assumiu a presidência da Cocecrer-PR, atuando diretamente no pro- cesso de integração do Paraná ao Bansicredi.
the membership. During 1996, credit unions in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná held several meetings at which they discussed and approved the rules for capital participation in the Cooperative Bank. “Regional meetings were held so that the financial advisors and directors could convince themselves and the members. It was a very taxing job, but it was worth it,” recalls Seno Lunkes, who participated in the meetings in Paraná as a member
of Sicredi Cataratas do lguaçu PR.
In 1997, Seno Lunkes became president of Cocecrer-PR and was directly involved in the process of integrating Paraná into Bansicredi.
O Banco Cooperativo trouxe um novo relacionamento com os associados
  Among the items that needed
to be addressed were the capital composition of the bank and the controlling shareholder. Although Rio Grande do Sul had a greater capital position, the two states needed to have an equal say in decisions so power would be evenly shared. With these issues addressed, Paraná formally joined Bansicredi at a general meeting in Porto Alegre on December 13, 1996. For members, being owners of a bank meant a change in how they interacted with their credit union. Credit unions began offering routine-type services, such as payment of negotiable instruments, which eliminated
the need to go to other financial
Ita Kirsch

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