Page 106 - Sicredi
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ticipar do Banco, outras cooperativas acabavam participando em nome dessa”, revela Müller.
Essa postura, que viabilizou a constituição do banco, é uma das características que se mantêm arraigadas na cultura do Sistema. “Sempre houve, dentro do Sicredi, uma intercooperação, uma visão sis- têmica muito forte, e eu acredito que esse fator é determinante para a gente avançar, como avançamos ao longo do tempo”, registra Müller.
o primeiro banco cooperativo do Brasil
 always was, within Sicredi, joint cooperation, a strong vision for the System, and I believe that this is essential for us to move forward, just as we have moved forward throughout the years,” Müller notes.
Although it had been a long-time plan of the leaders, the decision to create Bansicredi had to be ratified
by the System’s credit unions. The event marking the official birth
of the country’s first Credit Union Bank took place on October 16, 1995 at the general meeting of the Credit Union Regional Center of Rio Grande do Sul. The Bylaws11 of the Sicredi Cooperative Bank S.A. required that Bansicredi be capitalized with R$ 7.5 million and

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