Page 26 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 26

  Patron saint
of cooperativism in Brazil
Theodor Amstad, the founder of our first credit union, officially received the title of patron of Brazilian cooperativism in December 2019, according to Law 13,926, of 2019, in recognition of his pioneering efforts and the importance of disseminating the concept. Amstad was born in 1851, in Beckenried, Switzerland, and arrived in Brazil in 1885, taking up a position in the muni- cipality of Nova Petrópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, where he established Sicredi Pioneira RS, in 1902. Among his ac- tions, aimed at spreading the concept of cooperativism and its benefits, he traveled over 100,000 kilometers on a mule to share his expertise and su- pport communities in the state interior of Rio Grande do Sul. He died in 1938, in the city of São Leopoldo/RS, leaving behind an important legacy for society as a whole. His story is physically pre- served in the community of Linha Im- perial in Nova Petrópolis, home to the Father Amstad Memorial.
Father Theodor Amstad on one of his trips.
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From top down, the evolution of Sicredi logos throughout its history (1989, 1992, 2001, 2016).

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