Page 28 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 28

bases for
Considered by many analysts as being the most difficult decade in Brazil’s history in the past 120 years, the period from 2011 to 2019 was battered by economic stagnation and a drop in annual earnings among Brazilians. With annual average growth rates below 1%, coupled with high interest and unemployment rates, Brazilians have become poorer and more indebted while investments have waned. Most importantly, as from the second half of 2014 up to 2016, the Brazilian GDP dropped 8.6%.
Within this context, the goals established in Sicredi’s strategic planning for the period were revised in 2013 and the bases of growth and integration were defined in an effort to reiterate the concepts of sustainability and social responsibility. According to the guidelines of collectiveness, financial inclusion and local economic development, we have focused on expansion strategies and on our efforts to generate value for people and the regions that host our operations, thereby contributing to a reduction in social inequality and minimizing the negative social effects of the crisis crippling the nation.
As such, Sicredi has restructured its internal processes and governance so as to permit greater integration throughout the entire System and, through this, allow for the expansion of institutional activities both for granting credit and through physical presence and the development of new solutions. Besides establishing virtuous local cycles and sustainable development, leading members to grow with the institution, the actions developed in the | 26

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