Page 25 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 25

The Federal Constitution of 1988 introduced a series of advances and guaran- tees for cooperativism and reaffirmed credit unions as part of the National Financial System, regulated and supervised by the National Monetary Council and the Central Bank of Brazil.
Within this new scenario, the move- ment to further integrate credit unions into a system intensified. Initiated in 1980, when nine credit unions established Rural Credit Cooperative Central of Rio Grande do Sul - Cocecrer-RS, which led to the “Cooperative Credit System - Sicredi”, the movement progressively welcomed credit unions from other States.
The Sicredi symbol, inspired by a wind- mill - which is now used as the brand for all credit unions affiliated to our System -, was adopted nationally as from 1992 and carries the history and symbology of this entire pro- cess of summing forces and collectiveness.
Between 1990 and 2000, the movement intensified with a focus on horizontal integration between Sicredi credit unions, respecting each one’s field of operation, and the systemic standardization of processes, products, technology and management policies. Also, at this point, companies
The first credit unions
Of the credit unions founded on the ideas of Amstad and still in operation and affi- liated to Sicredi are:
• Sicredi Pioneira RS (1902);
• Sicredi Integração RS/MG (1906);
• Sicredi União RS (1913);
• Sicredi Região Centro RS/MG (1914);
• Sicredi Vale do Rio Pardo RS (1919);
• Sicredi Nordeste RS (1923);
• Sicredi das Culturas RS/MG (1925);
• Sicredi União Metropolitana RS (foun- ded as Rural Savings Central in 1925 and transformed into an independent in 1967); • Sicredi Centro Serra RS (1927);
• Sicredi Noroeste RS (1946).
Credit unions founded at the start go the century
Still operating Closed
Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation |
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