Page 204 - Sicredi
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rou estudos e pesquisas para diagnosticar as particularida- des da governança das cooperativas de crédito.
Com a participação de lideranças cooperativistas, o Banco Central estabeleceu ações a serem adotadas, de forma voluntária, para melhorar a atuação das cooperativas. Entre as práticas recomendadas, estão a capacitação de dirigentes e cola- boradores e o aumento da transparência e do controle. Sintonizado com as recomendações do Banco Central, o Pertencer modifica a for- ma como os associados participam do “Processo Assemblear” de sua cooperativa. O quadro social é organizado em núcleos, representa- dos por coordenadores. Todas as cooperativas com mais de três mil associados realizaram uma reforma nos seus estatutos, incluindo o
 Pertencer em suas atividades.
The Belong Program
Together with the Grow Program, which aims to educate members
on what it means to be an owner, another program was adopted, to facilitate and encourage members’ participation in their credit union: the Belong Program. While the Grow Program involves education, this program’s objective is to improve and increase participation.
The Belong Program is in alignment with the Cooperative Governance document4 published by the
Central Bank in February 2009, which contains guidelines and tools for strengthening credit unions.
The publication, a type of good practices manual for the financial cooperative sector, is the result of the Cooperative Governance Project developed between August 2006 and July 2009. During that time, the
Central Bank conducted studies and research to determine the unique aspects of administering credit unions.
With the participation of cooperative leaders, the Central Bank established voluntary actions to improve the performance
of credit unions. Among the recommended practices are the training of leaders and employees, and increasing transparency and controls. In conformance with the Central Bank’s recommendations, the Belong Program modifies the way members participate in their credit union’s “Assembly Process.” The membership is organized into groups, represented by coordinators. All credit unions with over 3,000 members revised their Bylaws and included the Belong Program in their activities.

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