Page 100 - Sicredi
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IPC-APE, IPCA). Assim, tinha-se um sistema bimonetário, no qual a URV era a unidade de conta e o cruzeiro real (CR$) o meio de troca.
Em 1o de julho de 1994, surge o real, que marcaria uma das mais profundas mudanças no curso da economia brasileira, trazendo de volta a perspectiva da estabilização. A nova moeda passou a ter o valor de um dólar, com paridade fixa de câmbio. O fim da inflação representou uma instituição fundamental para a visualização de um horizonte de planejamento por parte dos agentes econômicos.
Para as cooperativas, o novo ambiente institucional signi- ficava uma oportunidade de acelerar a busca da independência no mercado financeiro. A adoção da marca única, em 1992, e a padro- nização dos procedimentos operacionais mostravam aos associados que as cooperativas de crédito estavam prontas para o passo se- guinte: a autonomia financeira, com a criação de um Banco Co- operativo. Ao mesmo tempo, as dificuldades enfrentadas desde a extinção do Banco Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo (BNCC), em 1990, apressavam as lideranças na busca por uma brecha que des-
 On July 1, 1994, the “Real” was introduced as the new currency, marking one of the most profound changes in the history of Brazil’s economy and bringing with it the prospect of a stabilized economy. The new currency was linked to the value of the US dollar, with
the exchange rate fixed at parity. Ending inflation was fundamental for economic agents to envision a planning horizon.
For credit unions, the new institutional environment meant the chance to accelerate their quest for financial independence. The adoption of a uniform name in 1992 and standardized operating procedures showed members that
credit unions were ready for the next step – financial autonomy through the creation of a Cooperative Bank. At the same time, the leaders
were anxious to gain access to a clearinghouse due to the difficulties faced since the end of the National Credit Union Bank (BNCC) in 1990. The dependency on the Bank of Brazil, which cleared credit union checks under an accord, was a stop-gap measure that needed a permanent solution. “The end of BNCC gave impetus and speed to the idea of a Cooperative Bank,” explains Roberto Rodrigues, then President of OCB.
At that point, the plan to create a bank for credit unions was not a

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