Page 68 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 68

and continuous
Evolving together in preparation for the future
Over the past decade, the Brazilian financial market has followed the global trend and undergone a veritable revolution in terms of the relationship between clients and financial services. The rise of financial technology companies - so-called fintechs -, make use of expanding mobility to offer digital channels to transfer money, pay bills and invest. Safe and convenient, electronic financial activities have completely chan- ged people’s relationships with financial institutions.
Within this new online environment, however, what could be seen as a paradox reveals the dynamism and modernity of credit unions. Financial institution models cre- ated over 150 years ago, credit unions have recorded a significant rise in the number of individual members over the past decade. Higher, in fact, than the estimated growth for the population, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, Portuguese abbreviation).
Thus, within this dynamic online world, subject to constant change, Sicredi has been preparing to increase its positive impacts and maintain its relevance in sustai- nable development over the next one hundred years. As such, we have initiated a transformation process aimed at building an agile, proactive and innovative business, able to make a difference in people’s lives though an online environment that is incre- asingly safe and efficient, without turning our backs on our roots and the principles and values of cooperativism.
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