Page 54 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 54

Among the initial actions in this process, of note was the definition of the Social and Environmental Risk Regulation for Credit, which establishes guidelines to analyze business risks and opportunities involved in granting all types of credit, conditioned to approval in terms of correct environmental practices and guarante- eing that no forms of child or degrading labor are involved.
Also in 2013, sustainability committees were established at the centrals and at CAS, responsible for discussing the issue, disseminating sustainable practices and for referring processes to be appraised by the Central Sustainability Committee. We began to more accurately measure the environmental impacts resulting from operational activities, which facilitated the preparation of solutions for the cons- cious use of natural resources and the establishment of the eco-efficiency concept in our corporate culture. Through this, we have reduced costs and preserved the environment.
Another important step towards implementing sustainable governance was taken with the creation of the first Materiality Matrix, which maps the reach of im- pacts and identifies the positive and negative aspects of Sicredi’s efforts in terms of sustainability. The Materiality Matrix was developed based on the joint action of the Central Sustainability Committee and subcommittees and as a result of dialog with our strategic stakeholders.
Completed in 2014, the matrix concentrated the priority and fundamental is- sues for sustainable development and long-term business. They include: member satisfaction and trust, local development, the management model, technology for relationships with members, alignment of staff with the corporate culture, social and environmental criteria for granting credit.
The Materiality Matrix also allowed for the establishment of sustainability governance, which not only complies with the Central Bank’s 2014 Resolution 4,327, which regulates the policy on social and environmental responsibility for financial institutions, but also with Principle IV of the Green Protocol of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban).
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