Page 35 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
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simplified solutions and access to credit, generating effective impacts in people’s lives and leveraging results for the institution and its members.
As from 2013, Sicredi improved its close and uncomplicated relationship model. It developed innovations in operations and service channels aimed at strengthening ties with members, while improving convenience. It installed new platforms and procedures that provide deeper insight into their needs. It systematically dissemi- nated the relationship model based on our values. Together we built a culture of exclusive service, grounded on proximity, on strong ties and a real interest in the well-being and development of people and the community.
One relevant procedure was the implementation of the systemic credit lad- der operation, a technological innovation that automates and simplifies decision process flows, making operations simpler and safer. The new platform allowed Sicredi to diversify its portfolio with pre-approved personal credit limits, working capital, vehicle financing and overdraft facilities, among other options, all supported by a safe limit suggestion model. These facilities meant that the use of
Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation |
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