Page 34 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
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the recently created executive management, each taking on specific and unique roles. The governance structure for Sicredi entities now branches into three spheres: The Board of Di- rectors, formed by members elected by other members, responsible for strategic guidance and for presenting proposals at the General Assembly; Executive Management, nominated by the Board of Directors and responsible for administration at an executive level; and the Audit Board, an independent body, elected by members and responsible for auditing the administration of assets and operations for the credit union.
The unification of the governance model was completed following a series of alte- rations to the by-laws of over a hundred credit unions, approved democratically by their members at assemblies.
Close relationship with members
To be the principal financial institution for members. This is one of Sicredi’s strategic objectives, our vision for the future. We strive to strengthen ties with members, studying their precise resource requirements and their individual realities to provide guidance and
As a cooperative financial institution, we value our relationship with members.
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