Page 52 - Sicredi
P. 52

 Roberto Rodrigues
em 1964, no início do governo militar. Em 1984, Roberto Rodrigues, que presidia a Comissão de Crédito da Organização das Cooperati­ vas Brasileiras (OCB), organizou, em Brasília, o primeiro Congresso Nacional de Cooperativismo de Crédito. No encontro, foi criada uma comissão, cujo trabalho é descrito pelo próprio Rodrigues, que lide­ rava a equipe: “O grupo saiu a campo, Estado por Estado, defenden­ do o modelo integrado de crédito cooperativo, Centrais por Estado, que seriam, no tempo oportuno, as donas de um banco cooperativo, criado quando o tempo assim o permitisse’’.
O movimento de retomada do crédito cooperativo, que se ini­ ciou no Sul do País, começava a se fortalecer em outras regiões, o que viria a resultar, mais tarde, na criação de cooperativas de crédi­ to também no Mato Grosso e no Mato Grosso do Sul. A exposição dos ideais do cooperativismo de crédito deu visibilidade ao trabalho que vinha sendo desenvolvido pela Cocecrer­RS, revigorando a pressão por mudanças nas regras estabelecidas pelas autoridades monetá­
 Brasilia the first National Congress on Cooperative Credit. Rodrigues describes the work of a committee, created at the meeting, which he led. “The group went out into the field, state by state, advocating the integrated model for credit unions,
a regional center for each state that would become, at the right time, the owners of a cooperative bank, to be created when the time allowed.”
The movement to revive cooperativism, which started in the South, began to take hold in other parts of the country. Eventually credit unions were formed in
the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. Exposure to cooperative ideals raised awareness of Cocecrer-RS’s work, increasing the call for changes in monetary
authority regulations. In 1985, experts from the Central Bank attended a second conference on cooperative credit, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Although they were receptive to the thinking
of the cooperatives, changes in the regulatory framework would come only in 1988, with the new Constitution.
Up until the mid-80’s, credit unions had adapted to high inflation, but in 1984, inflation hit 224%. The government had already completed its industrialization plan, and the economy was experiencing a period of rapidly increasing prices due to external economic shocks and increased public spending.
This caused a shift in economic policy. With the industrial sector

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