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cional (SFN). Após a promulgação da Carta Constitucional, esta participação direta das entidades no SFN ficou para ser regulada através de lei complementar.
Neste cenário, despontou a Lei Complementar 130/2009, a qual dispôs sobre o Sistema Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo. A re- gulamentação básica das cooperativas de crédito, que antes era tra- tada no âmbito de uma autarquia (no caso, o Banco Central), passa a ter como base uma lei complementar. “A Lei 130/09 transformou- se na principal base de ordenamento jurídico das cooperativas de crédito. A partir de então, as entidades passaram a integrar, de fato e de direito, o Sistema Financeiro Nacional”, afirma o presidente executivo do Sicredi, Ademar Schardong.
Âncora jurídica para o funcionamento do cooperativismo de crédito, a Lei 130/09 determinou também a necessidade de alinha- mento da gestão das cooperativas às boas práticas de governança já consagradas pela sociedade brasileira. Esse processo tornou-se pos- sível através da Resolução 3.859 do Banco Central, de 27 de maio de
 A new regulatory system was implemented by Article 192 of
the 1988 Constitution, which incorporated credit unions into the National Financial System (NFS). After adoption of the Constitution, legislation was needed to regulate the participation of cooperative entities in the NFS.
This eventually gave rise to Supplementary Law 130/2009, which provides for the National System of Cooperative Credit. Therefore, the regulation of credit unions, previously under the ambit of an agency (in
this case, the Central Bank), was now grounded in a Supplementary
Law. “Law 130/09 became the principal basis in the legal system for credit unions. From that time on, the entities became, as a matter of fact and of law, part of the National Financial System,” states Sicredi’s CEO, Ademar Schardong.
As the legal basis for the operation of credit unions, Law 130/09
also established that credit
unions needed to be managed in accordance with good governance practices already considered standard practice in Brazilian society. This process was brought about by the Central Bank’s Resolution 3.859 of May 7, 2010 – based on Law

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