Page 212 - Sicredi
P. 212

tórias Cooperativas, Formando Educadores e Álbum Trajetórias Cooperativistas.
A reformulação se refletiu, ainda, na forma de represen- tar o A União Faz a Vida. Acompanhando as mudanças trazidas pela metodologia própria, criou-se uma nova logomarca. A abe- lha, presente nas primeiras publicações, foi mantida, com um visual renovado, simbolizando a rede de cooperação formada pe- los agentes do Programa. Além da parceria com os municípios envolvidos, a iniciativa conta com o apoio pedagógico de mais de 20 universidades, que contribuem com o desenvolvimento do material utilizado no fomento do empreendedorismo entre crian- ças e adolescentes.
Disseminando a cultura do cooperativismo nas escolas, o Si- credi mantém vivo o desejo de construir um modelo alternativo de organização econômica, viabilizado pelas cooperativas. Por meio do
 Educators and Cooperative Pathways Album.
This restructuring was even reflected in the way the Unity Gives Life Program is represented. A new
logo was created to match the changes in methodology. The bee, present in the first publications,
was kept but was given an
updated look, symbolizing the network of cooperation among
the program’s participants. Aside from the partnership with the cities involved, the initiative includes the educational support of over 20 universities that contribute toward the development of the material used to encourage entrepreneurship in children and adolescents.
By disseminating cooperative culture in the schools, Sicredi keeps
alive the ideal of an alternative model of economic organization, which makes credit unions possible. Through the Unity Gives Life Program, the System conducts social initiatives, contributing to the overall development and training
of each individual. In this way, the System is preparing citizens of the future, proactively engaging them to be committed to the cooperative cause. “It is important for society to keep learning more and more what financial cooperation is all about. It is a tool that we have that is becoming more consolidated
and that is going to play an even greater role in the personal finances of every individual,” emphasizes João Paulo Koslovski, President, Organization of Cooperatives of the State of Paraná (Ocepar).

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