Page 84 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 84

awards and
Over the years, the transformative actions of Sicredi have been recognized with a series of awards, granted both by the national press and by international entities with movements linked to cooperativism. Among the most recent, of note are:
Leading national acknowledgments
Best Companies to Work For - Você S/A (2013 to 2019)
Ranking of the best companies in the country in terms of people management and positive work environment. Organized by Editora April in partnership with Fundação Instituto Administração - FIA
Valor 1000 - Valor Económico (2013 to 2019)
Ranking of the top corporate groups in the country in different economic sectors. Organized by Editora Globo in partnership with Serasa Experian and Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV.
Biggest and Best of Revista Exame - Exame (2013 to 2019)
Ranking of the largest corporate groups in Brazil in different economic sectors. Or- ganized by Editora Abril.
Época 360 - Época (2013 to 2019)
Ranking of the best companies in the country considering 6 corporate elements: fi- nancial performance, corporate governance, innovation, people, sustainability and vision of the future. Organized by Editora Globo together with Fundação Dom Cabral - FDC.
Valor Grandes Grupos - Valor Económico (2015 to 2019)
Ranking of the largest Brazilian corporate groups and classification of their per- formance in four economic sectors: trade, industry, services and finance. Organized by Valor Data.
Finanças Mais - Estadão (2017 to 2019)
Ranking of the best companies in the Brazilian financial sector. Organized by news- paper O Estado de S. Paulo in partnership with Austin Rating.
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