Page 7 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
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Sicredi’s history stretches back to 1902, with the establishment of the first credit union in Brazil and Latin America. Since then, we have evolved through different political and economic periods, maintaining our values of cooperation and integrating hundreds of credit unions into an effective system that leverages sustainable growth throughout the nation.
But how did we get here? How could ideas conceived over a century ago remain relevant and useful to society today? To answer these questions, while simultaneously recording and sharing our history, the importance and value of cooperativism in Brazil, in 2010 a project was launched called “Sicredi’s Trajectory”, based on research, interviews and the study of historical records, recovered with the aid of members and employees. The result led to the book “Sicredi’s Trajectory - A History of Cooperation”. In 2012 and 2013, we conducted fresh research and updated the project, resulting in the 2nd edition of the book, published the following year, along with the production of a series of videos on the institution’s history.
This 3rd edition of “Sicredi’s Trajectory” is aimed at updating and complementing the previous publication, including its latest achievements and positive impacts generated between 2013 and 2019.
During this period, Sicredi grew sustainably and expanded its areas of operation. It has increased the reach of members from 10 to 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District and can now be found in 1,300 Brazilian municipalities, surpassing the mark of 1,800 branches throughout the country. It has made community financial inclusion viable in over 200 muni- cipalities, where it is the only financial institution present. In all, Sicredi offers around 300 financial products and services to its members.
Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation |

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