Page 4 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 4

© 2020, Fundação Sicredi Curatorship
Márcio Port
Executive production
Sicredi Foundation
Superintendency of Communication and Marketing
Arte do Tempo Editora Ltda.
Rua Capote Valente, 956 c. 3 CEP 05409-002 | São Paulo - SP Telephone: (11) 3062.4561
Director of Tempo&Memória: Flávia Borges Pereira
Art Director for Tempo&Memória: Ana Trevisan Serino Administrative Director: Rachel Palmira Rodrigues Silva
Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation - 2013-2019
Historical research and text: Fred Hila Publication: Tempo&Memória
English version and proofreading: Editing, layout and art direction: Arte do Tempo Final art: João Mosterio
International Cataloging in Publication (CIP) Information
Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation:
2013-2019./ Sicred Foundationi. São Paulo -SP: Arte do Tempo Editora, 2020.
ISBN 978-65-992109-2-1
1. Sicredi. 2. Credit cooperation. 3.Cooperativism.
CDU 334
(Index card by Douglas Rios – Librarian – CRB1/1610)

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