Page 21 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 21

Sicredi’s Trajectory and the Strength of Cooperation |
 Édio Spier (in memoriam): presided of what is today Sicredi Pioneira RS for 37 years.
Companies headquartered at the Sicredi Administrative Center, CAS
• Sicredi Cooperative Bank: created in 1995, it is the first private Brazilian credit union, responsi- ble for the financial autonomy of credit unions and efficient access to the financial market and special financing programs. It manages resour- ces, develops corporate products and services and establishes the risk management policies for System operations. Controlled companies: Asset Administrator, Insurance Broker, Sicredi Cards and Consortium Administrator.
• Sicredi Confederation: established in 2000, it acts as the center for sharing services among all System entities in terms of IT, administra- tive-fiscal issues, human resources and legal affairs. It standardizes procedures and norms and leverages gains in operational efficiency.
• Sicredi Educational and Cultural Develop- ment Foundation - Sicredi Foundation: esta- blished in 2005, it is geared towards promoting cooperation, active citizenship, sustainability and capacity building among members, throu- gh a series of systemic social programs.
• Sicredi Participações - SicrediPar: a corpora- tion established in 2008, implementing an in- novative and pioneering organizational model in Brazil. It is the structure responsible for co- ordinating System-related strategic decisions, guaranteeing democratic management in the process.
• Sicredi Guarantee Funds: a non-profit corpo- rate entity created in 2009, aimed at guaran- teeing our financial well-being and credibility within the market, while bolstering develop- ment actions for credit unions, geared towards long-term sustainability and the application of concepts of solidarity in the System.
  Created in 1995, under the name Bansicredi, Sicredi Cooperative Bank is the first private Brazilian credit union.
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