Page 49 - Sicredi
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do Estado. O trabalho conjunto das cooperativas agropecuárias e de crédito possibilitou o fortalecimento das ações do que viria a ser o Sicredi, e nós entendemos que essa integração deve ser mantida”, opina o dirigente.
A partir do momento em que o cooperativismo de crédito ga­ nhou espaço no Paraná, surgiu a necessidade de criar uma Central no Estado, aos moldes da Cocecrer­RS. Em 29 de janeiro de 1985, três centrais de cooperativas de produção e dez cooperativas singu­ lares de crédito se uniram e constituíram a Cooperativa Central de Crédito Rural do Paraná (Cocecrer­PR), atual Central Sicredi PR/SP.
of the agricultural cooperatives and the credit unions strengthened the activities that eventually brought about Sicredi, and we understand that this integration should be maintained.”
Once cooperative credit took hold in Paraná, the next step was to create a state-wide Regional Center modeled after Cocecrer-RS. On January 20, 1985, three farmers’ cooperative associations and ten individual credit unions formed the
Rural Credit Union Regional Center of Paraná (Cocecrer-PR), known today as Central Sicredi PR/SP (the Sicredi PR/SP Regional Center). “The credit unions understood the need to organize themselves into a system, the same way that farmers, or those in cooperatives, feel the need to organize the cooperative.
Certain activities need to be carried out on a larger scale,” observes lgnácio Donel, a founder of Sicredi Cataratas of Iguaçu PR and later President of Cocecrer-PR.
Looking back
                                                                        As primeiras cooperativas no Paraná
The first cooperatives in Paraná
• Credival – Cooperativa de Crédito Rural Vale do Tibagi Ltda. – Londrina – 26/08/1981
• Credipagro – Cooperativa de Crédito Agropecuário do Oeste Ltda. – Toledo – 30/08/1981 • Credivel – Cooperativa de Crédito Rural Cascavel Ltda. – Cascavel – 24/11/1981
Fonte: Central Sicredi Paraná 20 anos: fragmentos da história do cooperativismo crédito. Curitiba: Sicredi 2005

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