Page 48 - Sicredi Ingles Flipbook
P. 48

The strength of our brand and our values
The national expansion of Sicredi presented the challenge of strengthening and reite- rating ties with members, who were now increasingly different and hailing from all regions of Brazil, while simultaneously honing efforts to attract new members.
As such, in line with the objectives laid out in the Sicredi strategic plan, in 2016, we initiated a review of our brand position. This major diagnosis involved the collaboration of our credit unions, centrals and members.
With this project completed, we defined a brand strategy and the tools to help reinforce our position and, consequentially, the uniformity of our proposals and exclusive attributes in the market.
One of the first actions towards this end was the creation of a new identity for the Sicredi brand, in order to determine the institution’s national position. A brand that, in addition to
Presentation of the new Sicredi logo during the National Forum of Presidents in 2016.
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