Credit Union

What is Cooperativism?

Cooperativism is an economic system that makes cooperatives the basis of all wealth production and distribution activities. Established in Europe in the nineteenth century, they were created by artisans and merchants as an answer to the centralization of capitalist resources and communist extremism.  
Today, almost 200 years later, this model is increasingly gaining strength.  Based on voluntary membership of people focused on a common goal, cooperatives bring together millions of people around the world to participate in projects that generate income and job opportunities, transforming the realities of whole communities.  

  • Voluntary and open membership.
  • Autonomy and independence.
  • Concern for the community.
  • Democratic management.
  • Education, training and information.
  • Financial participation of members.
  • Cooperation.
Work with others towards the same goal, contributing work, effort, assistance and collaboration.
 Source: Houaiss Dictionary</div>
Work with others towards the same goal, contributing work, effort, assistance and collaboration.
Source: Houaiss Dictionary
 Company that is collectively owned and controlled, made up of voluntary membership in shared financial, social or cultural projects. </div>
Company that is collectively owned and controlled, made up of voluntary membership in shared financial, social or cultural projects. 

Credit Unions

The various types of cooperative associations include credit unions.  Created to offer financial solutions according to the needs and conditions of members, these are an important incentive instrument for social and economic development.  This is because they use their assets to finance their members' activities, keeping resources in the communities where they were generated.

In Latin America, credit unions emerged in 1902, in the city of Linha Imperial in the municipality of Nova Petrópolis, in Rio Grande do Sul, where the first was established by Swiss priest Theodor Amstad.  Today, this credit union is part of Sicredi, and is called Sicredi Pioneira RS. 

What it is Company subject to corporate law Company not subject to corporate law
Who are the owners You The investors
What it does Raise funds to finance members' activities. Operates in the financial intermediation and banking services industry. 
Objective To meet members' demands and add income to their activities.  Profit